“What Are Writers Worth”

Great news, bittersweet news, the pit in my stomach, and the dystopian hellscape that is late-stage capitalism.

Alexander Lopez
9 min readFeb 24, 2024
Photo: Huseyin Bakik

Can we talk about something real quick?

It’s a tricky subject and I need your wisdom. I’m being vulnerable here and asking sincerely for the love and support of my Medium community.

I got weird news today and I don’t know how to feel about it. I’m trying my best to reframe the news into something really positive, great even, but I could use your help.

On the one hand, I should celebrate: a book I co-authored and helped edit with a group of fabulous humans is being published! By a fantastic publisher! What could be better?!

On the other hand, I’ve learned that because the project was conceived of and created on the campus of my graduate school, partially during class time, that we must relinquish our rights to any profits from the book’s sale. Although we are the authors, technically, the intellectual property belongs to the school, as I understand it.

I don’t mind too much, as it’s a very eclectic project, and I’m just grateful it’s being published at all. I wasn’t laboring under the belief that it would rescue me from the crushing vice-grip of my student loan debt…



Alexander Lopez

Hi y'all! Happy to be here! My name is Alex. I am a writer & content creator. BA from Dartmouth and MFA from NCSU. Also @alexlopezwrites (44K) on TikTok